Monday, February 17, 2014

My little man

So my little man, my little bubba, my crazy loud little dude is 5 years old!!
How did this happen? How did he go from tiny baby to this little person.
Marcus is the sweetest loudest funniest kid I have ever met. And I'm not just saying that as his mother. People all the time tell me that he's special that he has the sweetest heart ever, that he is so funny and kind and helpful. He is loved. I am so proud of the little man he is.
He is that kid that when he loves you or cares about you he does it with every fiber in his body. He is the best.
For his birthday since daddy was gone we just did a little thing with family. 
He said it was the best day ever.
He went to school and got to give out Dino cupcakes
Then we took him out to his favorite reatuarant red robin
I made him this Dino cake and he thought it was the best thing ever. So over all it was such a fun and relaxing day and he so enjoyed it. 
I also wanted to keep it low key so that in march when we are at Disney world I can spoil him like crazy 😀 

So it's been months...

I was just thinking the other day about my weight loss. I'm at a point where I'm not struggling. I've been maintaining my weight and I'm happy. But I'm not finished. I think it's hard to get motivated when I'm happy with how I look but I know I could look better or weigh less or have more muscle. It's hard to eat the way I should when I know I can eat all the yummyness (ie cake, brownies, chocolate, pizza) and maintain my weight. I need to get in the mindset that it's not just losing weight it's being healthy as well. It's not just working out and eating junk food to not gain weight. It's eating right and working out and being healthy. I think if I could get with that mentalility I would be golden 😀 
We leave for Disney world in 3 weeks and I'm going to try for the next 3 weeks to do it right and we will see what happens. 
But for fun I weighed in at 171 the last time I wrote on the blog and today I am ...

So hey in the last 5 months I haven't been doing bad. I have lost 11lbs and am only 5lbs away from pre Marcus weight and only 10lbs away from high school weight. 
Here's a shot of the difference 5 months and lots of strength training 😀

I was just thinking the other day about how happy I was at 171 and how good I thought I looked and then I saw what I looked like at 160 and I thought wow what would another 10lbs looks like but I'm so ok with how I look now that getting motivated is super hard. 
But I'm gonna try and the day before Disney I'm gonna post back here and hopefully there will be a change. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Some Charlotte fun :)

We decided to take the kids to Charlotte nc this weekend for some shopping and fun. And boy did we do both. 
I haven't had this much fun shopping with both babies in... Humm ever! They were so good and happy and it made shopping so enjoyable.
We took the kids on this jumping trampoline thing and they loved it. Teny almost didn't do it because they don't allow parents past the gate and teny wanted me but eventually she went with the lady and did it and I'm so glad she did because I will cherish her giggles on that thing forever. This was Marcus second time on it so he was stoked (his words) 
I didn't get any pics of him on it because I was busy with ten and Chris was busy with Marcus. But daddy took pics of bubs and he was crazy. Lol

We also took them on a choo choo that goes around the mall and they both were in heaven

After the train we ran around town some while the babes slept in the car and then it was off to our favorite place. Maggions. It is the best Italian place I have ever had and its worth every dime we pay :) 
It was so good teny who is becoming quite picky ate tons of their spinach artichoke dip. She ended up licking it off the plate.
She loved it. Even our super picky Marcus ate some sketti (as he calls it) 

Then we made the 3 hour drive home. It was by far one of the best days we have had. It was so nice to be together and have fun and just enjoy life. 

A little weight lost and some colored shorts

I didn't post last Friday because there was no change from the week before well the scale moved and here is today's number :) 

Oh yea 171!! So close to the 160's. I'm so excited. I totally skipped 172 and yesterday was at 173.8 and woke up to that!! I kept getting off and getting back on thinking it was broken but nope it's not. I even jumped back on after the gym and it was 171.4. So to say I'm happy is an understatement :) 

I also ventured out last weekend with the goal of trying to find colored shorts. I've never in my life felt like I could pull them off and well I found a pair and I'm in love. I think I need them in every color. 
Teny wanted to get in on the fun too :) 
So I can't wait for next week and hopefully seeing a 16anything. I would even take a 169.9. Haha it's a 6 and that's all that matters. It's going down and that's what's most important. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Weigh in Friday

This week I rocked it. I tracked what I ate all week and worked out 3 times. Im still trying to cut back on my gym time since I still cant really eat much without getting sick (still stressed out).

But here's my weight last week (beginning of last week)

And here is my weight this week
4lbs in a week and a half. So I will take it. The scale is finally back to moving and that makes me so happy. I will get to my next goal of 165 and I will get there soon.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


I have never been a person to be able to lose weight and be stressed at the same time. I ALWAYS gain or maintain my weight when Im stressed. Most of the time when Im stressed I maintain to the very ounce. That's what happened in April, May, and some of June. I was so stressed over the car and everything that was going on that I couldn't lose a pound. I tried and I tried and I worked out and I ate right and nothing. So I kept working out but began eating bad and still nothing happened. Which I found very odd. That if I ate right and worked out I couldn't lose anything but on the flip side if I ate whatever I wanted and worked out I didn't gain a pound.
My body is weird I guess. Well life started to slow down and so did my stress level and I noticed I still ate bad and worked out but that my weight was creeping up. So I went back to eat better and working out and went back to my normal weight of 177.
But now the stress is back and back with a vengeance. We are trying to rent out our house, find a new house in Florida, we have to hire people to come fix somethings in our house, buy new carpet, switch Marcus' therapy's, find him a new preschool so he doesn't get behind, pack up our whole storage unit and oh while all this is going on my husbands car breaks and we had to pay a couple grand for a new transmission.
This time this stress is eating me alive. Like seriously eating me alive. As you just read I CAN NOT LOSE weight while Im stressed but here I am to tell you that I am dropping pounds like crazy in just 5 days I am down to 174!
Crazy right? Normally I am a stress eater. This time if I eat I get so incredibly sick. So I cut back on my gym time since I cant really eat and I don't want to burn the little calories I am eating. But with painting and de cluttering the house and fixing the house and all the projects and keeping the house in perfect showing condition with 2 children. I am barley sitting down. I get to sit down between 5 and 7 in the morning and at 8 at night and lately I fall right asleep at 8 because Im so exhausted.
My goal is to try to keep eating as much as my stomach will allow and try to incorporate some strength training.
So I will be back next Friday with my weight and we will see if my stress will make the number stick or if I will keep losing =/

2 years old

I can not believe my baby is 2!!

Where has time gone??

It seems like just yesterday I was holding her in my arms for the first time.

It seems like just yesterday I feel in love with this beautiful baby .

It seems like just yesterday I brought her home and she became part of our family and turned us into a family of 4.

Tenley Prius Hubbard:
You are an amazing little girl. You brighten up my days. You can make anyone smile, even strangers just by looking at them and saying Hi.

You are so amazingly sweet and cant stand to see anyone upset or sad or anything but happy.
You love to hug and give kisses.

You LOVE to color.

You do have this sassy side that comes out now and then and I absolutely LOVE it.

You LOVE your bubba. every time he is at school or with Grandma or at his therapy you run around and look for him and get very upset when you cant find him. But as soon as he walks through those doors you run to him and he runs to you and you guys yell each others names and give each other the sweetest little hug ever. Y'all act like you haven't seen each other in ages vs it just being an hour.
You talk like its your job to talk. We are thinking you arnt going to have the same trouble your brother does (Since its hereditary and all)
You say full sentences. Your favorites are "I want milk/juice/snack please" "I want to color" "where is my bubba" "Go bye bye now". You say lots more but those I hear at least 10 million times a day
You are still our tiny teny. And yes your daddy still walks through the door and says wheres my tiny teny? Its cute =)
Overall baby girl you are pretty awesome and we love you and adore you so very much and I cant wait to see what this next year has in store for us.
Happy Birthday Tenley Prius