Saturday, September 29, 2012

Another One

Here I am yet again stuck at another plateau. Been here all week. Its okay though. I know I will break through it eventually. I think this is why people have such problems with losing weight. When they are eating right and working out they expect the number to go down and as soon as it stops they get defeated and quit. 
I have always quit when I got to this part. I mean why am I working SO hard and working out EVERYDAY and taking time away from my family to not lose weight. The answer is because I'm determined. I am so determined and I know that the number will change. Weather its today, tomorrow or 3 weeks from now. It will change.
So here is to me not giving up. I am at 17.6lbs lost. I have 2.4lbs to go to hit my first goal. I am so close I can taste it. So tomorrow I will just have to work harder, and eat better and just keep going and NEVER give up.
What doesn't kill ya makes you stronger, right?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Marcus' First Soccer Game!

Marcus had his very first soccer practice and game. Yes all in the same day.
Let's get started on why his practice and his game were on the same day.
We signed him up about 2 months ago and was told we would get a phone call about when practices would start but because Marcus only would play 4  games (since its a 3 year old soccer team) we wouldn't start practice till early September.
I waited patiently for my phone call and on September 10th, I hadn't heard a thing so I called the Rec center and was told that the coach emails and doesn't call and that I should email him myself or call myself. So I DID! And never heard a thing. So on Sept 17th I called the Rec center back and they said oh well I don't know.... Hmmm you don't know!! My kid is suppose to play in 7 days and you don't KNOW!! I was so mad I hung up. I was going to call back the next day but that was the day Marcus and Chris were sick so I was busy worrying about them and then wed I got sick and finally on Thursday my mom called me and said "Hey I'm at the Rec center and I wanted to know if you heard anything and if not I will ask" So I sent her to do my dirty work and she at least got some information (I think its because they know her and have known her for 6 years because my baby sister plays volleyball and soccer for them) But they tried calling the coach and I tried calling him and still NO ONE EVER got ahold of him.
Enter Saturday, Marcus' first game. We show up and find the coach and I introduce myself and he's like who are you?? Seriously. I introduce Marcus and he's like okay and you guys are???? Seriously??
I was MAD! I finally told him all about what had been going on for the past few weeks and his answer was oh my phone doesn't always work. We have been practing for 3 weeks twice a week!! Are you kidding me!!!! You would have thought that week after week when Marcus didn't show up that he would pick up a phone and call at least the Rec center. He said he had been emailing me but he mixed up my email.
I am so upset over the whole thing cause I feel that Marcus could have had 6 practices under his belt before his first game. Instead he had no clue what was going on!!
All that matters in the end is that Marcus had a blast and tried as best as he could to do his best.
Here's a few pictures that actually make my boy look like a PRO!

Look at him fighting for the ball!!
And the last one of him telling us to be quiet as we were cheering and yelling at him to get the ball or to kick it more than once.
So overall we will start going to the practices and the next 3 games but I seriously want my money back. lol.

Friday, September 21, 2012


I am so grateful it is FRIDAY! This week has been such a horrible week, which sucks since we just had such a wonderful 4 day weekend =)
So it all started with Chris waking up at oh 4am and throwing up. At first he thought he just ate something bad. He felt a little bit better after he threw up. So he went back to bed. Cue 430am Marcus screaming for Daddy (note that Marcus knows not to call for mommy when he throws up cause it makes mommy throw up). Marcus ends up in Bed with me and Chris heads off to work.
I get a phone call from Chris around 630 telling me he's on quarters and is coming home. So I take Ten and myself and leave the sickies in bed and take us as far away as possible. Which was the commissary and the doctors to get Chris drugs. We get home and they are still passed out so I wake them give them drugs and they go back to sleep and I put Ten to bed and I watch some TV.
2pm Marcus wakes up and he's acting like he was never sick. Is running around playing and acting normal
4pm. I start feeling super sick. (not good)
7pm We all go to bed
12am I start throwing up and that's how the rest of my night goes.
The whole next day was a blur because I felt like I had been run over by a dump truck.
Thursday I finally feel better. Chris, since he had it first, I think had the worst of it. I think that I got a smaller shorter version of what he had because he is finally better Thursday.
So far we kept saying Don't let Ten get sick, please don't let her catch this. Well I'm still not sure if she caught it or whatever but let me tell you that last night was newborn stage all over again. I'm talking we did everything in our power to get her to go to sleep and nothing happened! She literally cried from 10 to 2. Then again from 5-6. AWFUL! We held her, she cried, we gave her milk, she cried, we let her lay in bed, she cried, we brought her to bed with us, she cried. It seriously was horrible
Keep in mind that my kids SHARE a room and by some miracle Marcus slept through her crying. And it wasn't like it was a quiet cry she was screaming so loud that when Chris was rocking her one time I could hear her screaming all the way across the house in our bedroom. So um how Marcus slept through all of that is beyond me! But I wont complain.
So here we are 7am Friday morning. I am exhausted. Iam still getting over the cold and catching up on sleep and now I barley got any sleep last night. I am ready for this weekend and I am ready for some R&R.
The only good thing to come out of this week is the fact that I lost another 2.5lbs. So if you read my blog you would know that that makes a total weight loss so far of 15.5lbs!! I am proud to know that I'm doing it, I'm losing weight and (other then these last 2.5lbs) I have done it the hard way. Good diet and working out. It has been so hard and I haven't even done it for a whole month yet. But knowing that its my hard work that's paying off feels me with such a sense of pride. I can NOT wait for the next 2 weeks to pass by so I can be at 20lbs loss.
That is my new goal lose 4.5lbs in 2 weeks. Totally doable. I remember once back in 2007, Chris was deployed, and I had gained around 30lbs. When he came home for R&R I was 30lbs heavier then when he had left. He never said a thing and I thought I looked the same, until he left and I started looking at pictures of our 2 weeks together. I looked HORRIBLE. I couldn't believe how I had let myself go and how he never said anything. I told myself I would lose the weight over the next 8 months before he came home. But the only thing I did over those 8 months was go to the gym. I still ate whatever I wanted and I would go to the gym sit on a bike and read a book for an hour. That was my workout. RIDICULOUS!! I somehow lost the weight. I lost exactly 30lbs. It was so easy.
Now, maybe its my body changing from having kids, but it is so HARD. I have never had to work to lose weight. I would just decide and it would fall off. This time its taking everything I am to lose weight. But I'm appreciating it more. So maybe this time I wont gain it back. Because I know how hard it is to lose the weight.
So here's to a better week and weekend and here's to losing my first 20lbs in the next week or 2!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

All about the little lady in my life

So as you can tell this post will be all about my favorite little lady, my spunky little ham, my Itty Bitty, my tiny little best friend, my Tenley.

Tenley turned 14 months old yesterday and I feel as though this year has gone by so fast. She is turning into such a toddler and just lights up our life.
Here are a few highlights:
*She only has 3 teeth and kinda maybe a molar or 2. But just maybe
You can kind of see them here
*She is my sleeper. Girlfriend would sleep till 11 in the morning if I let her. (She goes to bed at 7!) and heaven forbid you be the one to wake her cause you will be met with a scowl I never knew babies had.
okay so this ones a little old but it shows her scowl face. As often as she does it you would think we would have more then one picture of it.

Little miss waking up =)
*She is such an EATER! She eats all day long! She will go to the fridge after eating lunch and beg for more food, she eats more then Marcus does! She will have her snack cup filled up after breakfast and before lunch its gone and she is requesting more. She will go through 3 or 4 snack cups a day. (How does she only weigh 19lbs!!)
*She LOVES her daddy and she has him wrapped. He is completely smitten with his little girl.
*She LOVES her bubba but she even walks around the house while he's at school saying "bu-bu-bu-bu" Its adorable
*Her favorite thing to do is drop something on purpose and say "Uh-oh" and wait for me to pick it up. I have stopped picking it up but then I get the scowl face and I have to turn away and then she gets really mad. lol.
*She got placed in timeout for the first time and no I didnt do it and neither did Daddy. Would you like to know who did?? Marcus!! HAHA
*She HATES TV. I can not get her to watch TV for 2 seconds. You probably say thats a good thing. But when you need 2 mins to do dishes or switch over laundry it would be really nice to not have to step over her.
*SHE IS THE BEST SHOPPER EVER! She is my shopping pal. I love shopping with her. She sits and talks to me and holds my coupons and gives me opinions about things(you know by pointing HA) she hardly ever cries while we are out (even when exhausted). She just makes shopping so much more fun. I couldnt imagine shopping without her.
Us shopping at Sams
I could go on and on about Miss T. But I just wanted to highlight my favorite things and things she has been doing.
I LOVE her and adore her and couldnt imagine life without her. She is just so much fun. We cant wait to see what this month holds and continue to watch her grow into this tiny person.  
Our little family. Crazy children and all =)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sticking to a goal

I have been on a diet so many times before. I always lose like 10lbs and then I quit. I don't know why, most the time its because Ive hit a plateau and I get frustrated and I stop working out and most the time gain that 10lbs back. So this time I knew when I hit 10lbs I would have to bust my butt so hard to fly past the 10lbs so I wouldn't quit so I wouldn't get frustrated and give up and you know what my determination got me? Another 3lbs GONE!! So I sit here 13lbs lighter. I have worked so hard for this 13lbs and I'm even more determined to hit my first goal of 20lbs!! Then my second of another 20 and my last of another 20.

This is a life long change I am making. I know I will always struggle with my weight because I love food. But I love feeling better about myself more. I love being healthy and I love being able to keep up with my husband in a kick boxing class (even with a busted knee and two bad ankles) =P I love seeing my clothes fit better or just being able to fit into them. I love my husbands little comments about how he thinks my waist is getting tiny. I love that he says I never needed to lose weight but that if I'm unhappy with how I look he would be supportive of me. He even gave up soda and wont snack at night because he thinks that it would be mean to eat a big bowl of ice cream in front of me. And yea he's right it would be mean, but I never would have asked him to stop. Why should he be punished because I'm over weight. But that's just who he is. He's super supportive and even started eating better and has started going to the gym with me just so we don't have to spend that much more time apart. (and believe me we spent a TON of time apart)

I just cant believe I am actually doing it. I cant believe I am becoming a Gym Junkie. I cant believe I'm eating 1700 calories a day and still losing weight! I cant believe this healthier person I'm becoming.

So here are my 10lb weight loss picture difference



Cant wait for the next 10lbs weight loss pictures!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I'am offically DOWN 10lbs!! I'am so excited to see my hard work paying off. 10lbs in 3 weeks is amazing (to me!) Thats 3.3lbs a week.
So here's to the next 10lbs!!
And the next...
And the next...
Oh and the next 30lbs... haha

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Day In The Life

My morning starts at around
Coffee and quiet time is a must or Im in a cranky mood the rest of the day.
Marcus wakes up at 645, we cuddle on the couch till 7.
I go get ready for the day
Had to wake Ten up at 730 (she was not happy about that)
Get both kids dressed, fed, teeth brushed, hair done in oh 20 mins since we have to leave at 750
But I do have to say they are looking mighty cute today and supporting our incredible nation on such a sad tragic day in America.
830 Marcus is off to at school and Ten and I head to her Gymnastics class!!
While we wait 10 mins till they open we goof around with mommys new phone
915 Ten's First Gymnastics class! She loved it!
1015 Mommys turn for the Gym.
1030 Evil Killer Arm and Abs class (about DIED)
1200 Go pick up little man from school
1230 Lunch and Dishes
1 Nap TIME!! (best part of the day, just kidding, no really it is =)
115 Start dinner
200 Fold this massive pile of clothes =(
400 Kiddos wake up from nap and its snack time and get ready to go
430 Head to Grandma's to drop off Miss T
5 Marcus food therapy for an hour and I get to some quiet time so I READ!! (Its the only time I ever get a solid hour to read)
630 Daddy picks up Ten and goes home and puts yummy casserole in oven
7 Bubs and I finally home and Daddy's putting Ten to bed
730 Finally eat dinner
8 Bubs to bed
801 I fall asleep from exhaustion!! HAHA!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Show and Tell Babies!!

1. Tell us your favorite baby names? Aside from your own babies, if you have some :)
Boys: Marcus Levi(since thats my sons name its gotta be in there) Grant, Landon, Elliot,
Girls: Tenley Prius, Addalyn, Lux, Lexi, Alexis, Molly
2. Show me your "dream" nursery {can be your baby's nursery or one that you love}

I would LOVE to have a nursery like this if we have another baby. The round crib is a LOVE of mine.
3. How many children would you like to have? How far apart?
Oh my, I have 2 of the best babies I could ever ask for. Im not real sure as to if I want anymore. The hubs and I go back and forth all the time on if we want more. But for the next 5 years at least we wont be having anymore =)
5. Show us your favorite newborn photo {can be your children or random}
I will show one of each of my babes =)
 My little Marcus Levi 7lbs 8oz

My sweet little Tenley Prius 8lbs 1oz

Progress and our weekend in Review

So not alot of progress this week. I'm done 9.2lbs in 3 weeks. I got stuck at a plateau and finally busted through it with a 1.2lb weight loss. Not exactly as much as I wanted but I will take it.

I mean its a little over 2lbs a week. So slow and steady wins the race. I also think why this week was only a pound weight loss is because sat night I kinda crashed into a wall!
This wall =(

Ok so my little sister turned 11 and she wanted to go play mini golf and go gokarting. So while in a car with Marcus it had kinda started sprinkling. Not enough to shut down the track but enough that occasionally you could feel a drop of rain. Well Marcus and I took a turn and we lost control and ran smack into a wall. It hurt so incredible bad. Marcus was screaming, I was crying. It was bad. I felt like a horrible mother for crashing with Marcus in the car with me, but after a LONG time of Chris telling me it wasn't my fault I began to feel a little less guilty.

But I have a super banged up knee and some serious seat belt burn. Marcus so far has no brusing or pain. So I think it more scared him then hurt him. So all sat afternoon I was stuck on the couch icing my knee and most Sunday on the couch icing it. LOADS of fun.... NOT!

Also, I feel like my little man is getting all beat up this weekend. He got in a accident, while holding a hand while walking down the stairs he stopped paying attention and fell down 4 stairs and landed on his little wrist and now that hurts. While icing it, Tenley wasn't paying attention and tripped over him and her chin went into his eye and now he has a black eye. He is on pitiful little man today.
I woke up today feeling much better and took the little man to the chiropractor and his back was all messed up and he actually had popped his wrist out of place. But he got his wrist back in place and his back fixed and he is feeling so much better =)

Even considering our bumpy, crazy weekend we had a blast =)
Now time to get my butt in gear and workout.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Mommy and Tenley Date =)

I ADORE when my mom takes my little man because that means I get plenty of time to just play with my baby girl. With her being the second child I feel that she doesn't get a lot of my time. Marcus got me and all my attention for the first 2.5 years of his life and not with all his speech therapy's and food therapy and taking him to school and soccer practice and soccer games. Ten kinda sometimes gets the short end of the stick. So I LOVE being able to spend time with just her. And yes you could say don't you see her everyday while Marcus is in school. And the answer would be yes and no. We go straight from dropping Marcus off to the gym and then we go home and she naps and then we go and get Marcus. So we really don't get to spend that time together.
So at first it was going to be a Daddy, Mommy and Tenley date but Daddy had to work so it turned into a mommy and ten date. Which was fine by me =)
We went to Starbucks and for the first time I allowed her to have non almond milk (the organic milk) and she LOVED it! Then we went to Hob Lob and have fun playing around and she was extremely hyper from the chocolate milk. HAHA. Then we went to chipolte and let me tell you, Girlfriend LOVES her some spicy chipolte. And last but not least we went and got frozen yogurt, which is her second favorite thing in the whole wide world.
Once we got home she helped me clean up a bit, we did pedis, she got a bath and then it was off to bed for the little one.
I Love Love Love her so much and think she is just a HAM! She is the easiest baby and the best little shopper and just has such a laid back personality. I guess she really isn't a baby anymore. Tech she is considered a toddler but she will always be my baby. Marcus will always be my little man and Ten will always be my baby.
Here are a few pics of the little miss and I

 Is she not the sweetest and cutest thing EVER?
And just because I cant end this without a picture of my little man here he is at his Aunties wedding rehearsal looking like the stud he is =)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Our Super Long Weekend

This weekend was the best weekend we have had in a LONG time because for the first weekend (in weeks) Daddy was HOME!! We loved every single second of this weekend.
Friday, The Hubs let me have a girls morning and I went and had coffee and did some shopping with my bestie and then I was able to go to the Gym. It was so nice and so needed. The hubs and I don't get to go out on dates very often so we do date nights at home ALOT. This weekend we decided to do something a little different. Friday night was ALL ABOUT ME and Saturday night was ALL ABOUT HIM. So on my night, I got to pick my favorite dish and dessert and pick any movie I wanted. I picked my favorite shrimp Alfredo and I had a glass of wine as my dessert. HA! But I ended up so sick that I went to bed early and the hubs watched football. But it was still a super nice night to be waited on and not have to do ANYTHING =)
Saturday morning we woke up bright and early and headed to the ZOO! We were so excited!

We got this double stroller for the kiddos and they loved it. Ten spent most of her time in here eating and drinking and she loved every moment of it

I had such a blast with Marcus looking at all the animals and seeing how excited he was

Of course I had to share Marcus with his Daddy

My crazy little monkey man

This was a vent and since it was 100 degrees outside this was our favorite spot =)

This was Ten's first time ridding on the carousal.
We had such a fun time at the Zoo until it started raining and we had to leave early. But it worked out perfectly because it gave me enough time to run to the store and make french bread pizza for the Hubby's night. We ate fatty pizza and watched Michigan LOSE big time. But it was fun =)
Oh did I forget to mention that we also had enough time to go Sears and buy a bike for me to be able to do workouts at home =)
Sunday was pretty uneventful. We hung around Sunday morning, I went to the gym, we had lunch, the kids napped and then we went to the In laws for some super yummy shrimp in grits! Amaze-Balls!! Then we played some volleyball and took the kids home and went to bed.
Monday, We took a family trip to the Gym and the Hubs kinda killed me, like literally! I was running sprints and I landed on my foot wrong and was in extreme agony. So we went home and did nothing all day long so I could sit on my butt and rest my foot.
The reason my foot was so sore was when I was like 15 weeks pregnant with Ten I was taking a Zumba class and landed on my ankle wrong. Why I thought dancing and being pregnant went well but I thought I would have enough balance to do it, obviously I didn't. HA! So a few days after that happened I went to the doctors and they said I had fractured it. So every now and then when I run hard my ankle flares up.
I do have to say we found this show called Falling Skies and it is so GOOD!! We cant stop watching it!