Tuesday, May 31, 2011

 34 weeks pregnant
6 weeks LEFT!!!

Baby's size? She weighs about 4lbs and is about 18in long
according to Babycenter =)

Stretch marks: Humm lets see... YES! They are all from when I was pregnant with Marcus but they are all showing up again. I might have a new one on my right side or its a bug bite.

Sleep: Getting about as much sleep as a pregnant mother of a toddler can get.
Total weight gain: umm last I check still at 21lbs. Will find out next tues at my docs appt

Best moment this week: This week was full of sadness with Chris deploying so there wasnt much of happy preggo moments happening. Especially when your husband is bending down and telling your sweet unborn child he loves them and cant wait to meet her when she is 5 months old. 

Movement: She moves like CRAZY! Random people have commented on my moving belly.

Food cravings: Garlic. This week I have wanted Garlic. I was eating chunks of it the other night with my spaghetti

Symptoms: The lovely nausea is back. It mainly kicks in if I wait to long to eat breakfast or drink any coffee
Belly Button in or out: um its flat. Its not in or out. lol

Gender: Still our bouncy little Tenley girl

What I miss: Um nothing. I love being pregnant.

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting her, finally, and knowing that I will be a mommy to 2 amazing children

Milestones: n/a

Emotions: Well like I said this week I have been all over the place. Happy, sad, angry. 

 34 weeks pregnant with Miss Tenley =)

My head hurts

Have you ever had one of those days? Well that's my night and day. Last night when we got home from my moms house we walk inside and our house stunk to high heaven <insert puking>. I soon realized that Chris and I threw out some old frozen chicken and the trash hadnt been taken out yet. So I take the trash out and go into Marcus room and realize that his room stinks to HIGH heaven as well and start looking around and realize he put a sippy cup in his bed upside down and milk had split and leaked all over his bed and was now rotten <insert me puking again>. I take his sheets off scrub his bed and start the laundry. Only to realize that it was 730 and Marcus needed to go to bed <insert freak out while trying to figure out what to do>. Figured it out, put him to bed, went to my room to go to bed and realized our bed sheets were in the dirty laundry cause I do bedsheets on sunday, but with my husband leaving and all I never got around to putting them in the washer. And no I dont have another set to put on. So I have to wash those after Marcus sheets were done. And didnt get to bed till 11. I woke up to learn our checking account was negative 1600 dollars <insert heart attack>, got everything worked out and our money back. Then went to Target where my child proceeded to cry and whine the whole time <insert irritation>. Then we went to the post office where my child decided he didnt want to walk so his 8 month pregnant mommy in 90 degree weather had to carry him and the whole time he was kicking me <insert hot sweaty about to loose her cool mommy>. Then we got home and I thought he would walk up the stairs but no he decided to lay on them and play with the leaves so after asking him 3 times to get up I had to pick him up bring him upstairs and placed him in timeout. When his timeout was finally over I told him why he was in timeout and this is where he normally says sorry but being in the awesome mood he was in he decided to ignore me and ended up back in timeout. Repeat this about 4 more times and he finally said sorry <insert mommy needed a HUGE break>. Then he proceeded to come up hit me and try and run away and ending up tripping on the laptop cord and break my laptop <insert me crying and Marcus asking if mommy was ok> 
So needless to say we have had one bad busy morning. Its not even 11 yet and I just want to go to bed. Thankfully Marcus takes his 3 hour nap at 12 and I will be able to rest. 
Its been about 2 days since Chris left and everytime he leaves everything goes wrong. There has been so many things go wrong and his child is acting up. Marcus just senses that Mommy misses Daddy and is acting up cause he can sense me stressing out. I need to just chill and I think he will calm and chill down as well. 
So here's to hoping the rest of the day will get better and we can go to the pool and just relax in the sun. 
This is from Sunday and this is what I' am hoping our afternoon will be like. =)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Where to begin

     So I am new to the blogging world. But with all these thoughts bouncing around in my head all day I need a place where I can have an outlet. Even if no one ever reads my blog it doesn't matter because I will have a place to write. The second reason I am doing this is to make it a little easier for my husband to see whats going on in our everyday life. 
     My dear sweet Husband is leaving, again. Right now he is tucked away in our bed but soon he will be far far away fighting for our freedom. This is his third deployment in 5 years. He has spent a total of 27 months over seas in the past 5 years and is about to be gone for 12 more. 
     This is why I need a place to express my fears, thoughts, happy moments, sad moments, funny moments. I just need an outlet. 
      Our little boy is 2 almost 2.5 and is completely in LOVE with his daddy.  He is currently in his room playing with his toys with no clue how much his life is about to change. No clue that his daddy will be leaving soon and that he will not get to see him till R&R which is 6 months away. Last night we put him to bed together and we just sat there on his bed kissing his checks and holding his hand and telling him we both love him and that one day we will all be back together. And then my sweet husband started to tell him that he was leaving and that he was going to miss him so much. But what does all this mean to a 2 year old... Nothing. He just layed there looked at us as if saying "Um excuse me but Im trying to go to sleep". So we got up and left. 
     We also have a little girl on the way, Tenley Grace. She is due in 6 weeks. I am so blessed  to be having her, but at the same time so upset that my hubby will miss her birth and the first 5 months of her life. I am broken hearted over knowing all that he will miss... again. He missed all of Marcus first 15 months of life between moving and a deployment, he missed it all and now has to miss it all again. It breaks my heart. I know that I can do all this without him, I just dont want to have to. If that makes any sense at all. Chris is my rock, my sanity, my everything. When Marcus was born I was having a hard time dealing with the contractions before my epi and he sat by my bed side and sang disney songs to me. It made me laugh and it made me sing with him. But I forgot all about those darn contractions because of him. When he busted out just keep swimming from Nemo during one of my contractions I about died from laughter. Who's going to be there this time to keep me from feeling the contractions. 
       So those are the thoughts in my mind right now. Thoughts about him leaving again, thoughts about how our little boy is going to take coming home and Daddy being gone, and how our little girl is going to enter this world without her Daddy here and not meeting him till she's 5 months old.  
      These next 12 months will be a roller coaster of emotions, but we will get through them just like we have before. We have the support of our family who lives 5 mins in one direction and 5 mins in another direction and 2 sister in laws that live pretty much across the street. We are very blessed to have so many loved ones close by  and I know that they will be here with us every step of the way. =)