Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Myrtle beach 2013

We decided to randomly take a family vacation because its the only weekend my husband is guaranteed to have a pass for. His job won't allow him to leave a 30 mile radius for the next few months so we had this one weekend where his unit was allowed to leave said 30 miles and we jumped at the opportunity to go.
We immediately looked at our favorite hotel in myrtle beach and they had rooms so we booked 2 nights and started planning our mini vacation.
We got there Friday morning at 8am and went the hotel to see if we could check in early and we could!! Yay! So we went to the beach and walked as far as Tenley's little legs would allow.
Then we went swimming in the indoor pool. (Way too cold outside) and let me tell you this summer is going to be such a blast with my two babies loving the water as much as they do. Teny was a little daredevil and Marcus was happy as could be swimming around in his floaty.
We then gave the babies their afternoon naps and then headed out to medieval times. I was nervous as to how Teny would do sitting for 2+ hours but she did so well. I knew Marcus would love love love it and he did. Marcus and Tenley both loved it. They loved the show and the horses and the special effects. They were so amazing.
Saturday was spent shopping and swimming and eating and seeing the croods, Ripley's aquarium, and more shopping. It was so much fun. Until we got back to our room and Marcus had a super high fever and spent most the night curled up next to me trying to sleep(we gave him medicine but it didn't seem to help). It was pitiful. So we left bright and early Sunday so we could get him home and nurse him back to health. He got a real bad stomach bug and wasn't back to himself till wed.
Besides Marcus getting sick it was a great/amazing weekend. I loved every second of it. I had so much fun with our little family. There was this moment at medieval times where both kids were starring open mouthed at the horses that I looked at Chris and he looked at me and we both smiled because our kids were happy, we were happy, and I couldn't ask for anything more.

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