Ive always concerted myself a pretty level headed person, until I had children. Children have a way of bringing out the best in you and the worst in you. We've had a pretty rough couple of days and I have found that as long as I get to go to the Gym I am golden, if I don't get that hour and a half at the gym I kinda go crazy. I never thought the gym would turn into my place to escape. But every time I leave I feel better, I feel like I can be a better mommy after the gym cause all my frustrations are gone. I left them on the treadmill or in a class. Its like they seriously disappear.
I LOVE that I know if we are having a rough day that I just need to go to the gym and most the time everything is better afterwards.
Being a SAHM is HARD and when you are with your kiddos 24-7 (and yes I do mean that cause Ten isn't sleeping at night) it is exhausting and stressful and hard.
I know it might sound wrong to say I need to get away from them. But it really is whats best for mommy and babies. They need a break from us mommies and us mommies need a break from them.
Don't get me wrong I LOVE my babes, but I LOVE my gym time too.
Since we are on the topic of going to the gym. I think my body is at a stall. I think it's like you've lost 25 pounds you can be done. I'm not losing anything more. I have been at the same weight for weeks.
It might be a mental thing. I am so happy and proud of my progress and happy to be 3 jean sizes smaller, but I haven't been pushing myself as hard, I haven't been eating as well as I could be. I really think I'm (kinda) happy with how I look, but I'm not happy with the number. So over the next few month I really need to dig deep and find that inner strength to be able to lose these last 25 pounds.
I know I can do it its just doing it.
We are going to Florida in December to see my Hubby's family and surprising Marcus with going to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party at the magic Kingdom and by then I want to be at least 10 pounds lighter and I know that's crazy considering we are about to enter Thanksgiving and that's all about eating tons of yummy food. But I don't want to look back at these wonderful memories we are going to have and think wow I was fat.
So here's to a small goal that I want to accomplish in 5 weeks. That's 2lbs a week.
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