Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Poor Tenley

As I mentioned in my last post, Tenley isn't sleeping, she is crying all day and pretty much all night. I am exhausted, she is exhausted, we are all exhausted. We are all so frustrated with the reason as to why she's not sleeping and it all leads back to her GI issues.
Last week the doctor prescribed her a lax and said give it 2-4 weeks and bring her back if its not working. Well its only been one week but it has turned her into a crying machine!
I researched online and it says that in babies it can take 24 hours to start working and in adults up to 48 hours to start working we are going on 168 hours and nothing is happening.
It should not be taking this long for her to have some relief. The lax is a high sugary mixture and so it makes her super hyper and then super grumpy and really upsets her tummy and makes her feel like she has to go potty but she cant.
I'm seriously at the end of my rope as to how to help her. I feel so helpless for this little baby who looks at me every time like please help me and I cant do a thing.
I understand her crying and not sleeping, I really do but it makes me so angry that I cant help her(not angry at her but just angry that she's going through this)! Like normally when your toddler wakes up you can figure out the problem and put them back to sleep, but with Ten we just have to hold her as she cries in pain. Its seriously the WORST thing in the world!
So today I am calling her doctor and will stalk their offices until they give her a referral to Duke to see a pediatric GI specialist who can figure out whats causing this.
Tenley is this sweet natured little girl, she is kind, and gentle and friendly and loving and she hardly ever use to cry. Now she's starting to be in almost constant pain and crying and so upset all the time. I feel so badly for her. I try to hold her and calm her down but most the time she cant sit with me because the pressure on her butt hurts her to much.
No 15 month old should have to suffer this much. So lets find out what the Doctors are gonna do because if they brush this off one more time.... its not gonna be pretty. I have been telling them since Ten's birth that something wasn't right with her poop and here we are 15 months later and its not getting any better like they said it would.
So pray, pray that the doctors will find it in their hearts to help her, pray that I don't go mad trying to get her help, and pray that my little ten will be able to heal and be that happy baby again.

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