I am so excited to say I ran a mile in 8 mins and 55 seconds!!
I'm super proud of myself!
I mean I only started running like 3ish weeks ago and now I am obsessed/crazed about running.
I can not believe how fast/far I have come. I mean 3 weeks ago I couldn't run a whole mile or if I did run the mile I WAS DYING at the end. Now I can run 5 miles and then I DIE. haha.
My goal today was to run under 10 mins. That was my goal. But then my song came on, you know that song that makes you push harder, that gives you just that extra little something something you need. That song for me for whatever reason (maybe cause its funny and upbeat) but its 50 ways to say goodbye by Train.
I LOVE that song and when it comes on I just want to RUN and fast and sing as loud as possible.
But after that song was over I had just a tiny bit left to run and Selena Gomez's Who Says came on and I pushed myself so much harder then Ive ever pushed myself before. And I finished at 855.
I started bawling my eyes out. Seriously. I was that girl on the treadmill in the middle of the gym crying. I couldn't help it. I haven't been able to run in years. I haven't felt such pride in myself in years. I was overwhelmed and to know that I had beat my goal by over a minute just made it that much more emotional. There were so many times I wanted to quit because it was hard. It hurt. My knees have been killing me, my ankle has been flaring up from when I broke it, I have the worst blisters I have ever had and as soon as I start running they burn. But I pushed through it all and I did it and then I cried. HAHA
After I got myself together. I texted the hubs and told him about my 855 and he called me right after. Why this is important is my husband is so busy, so over worked and doesn't even get a moment to spare to text/call me ever during the day. Heck he doesn't have time to eat or go to the bathroom all day. He's so incredibly busy. Like he goes to work at 3am and lately hasn't been coming home till between 8 and 11 at night. Crazy hours the last 2 weeks. So needless to say he hasn't returned any phone calls or text messages in almost 2 weeks until he's off of work.
But today I texted him in the middle of one of his work inspections and as soon as he saw my message he stepped out and called me. It meant the world to me. I had told him the night before that my plan was 10 mins and he wished me good luck and he fell asleep (haha). So when he called I was shocked I even said why are you calling me, haha, and he said he felt that this was that important that he needed to call me immediately and tell me how proud he was of me and how much he loved me. It made that moment so much more special.
So there you have it. Your body can do anything you tell it to. Mind over matter =) I proved that today. With how much pain I was in, with how little running experience I have, if you put your mind to it (and maybe have good songs) you can do it too!!