Friday, July 1, 2011

Pregnancy Update

I try and try to keep everyone updated on whats happening with my pregnancy. But its hard when
1. You have a 28M old
2. Your husband is deployed
3. Your 9M pregnant and Miserable!
So I just wanted to do a quick update here for everyone and for my own records. With Marcus I didnt document everything, and now I regret it. Granted Chris was home and I had no need to fully remember what was happening because I didnt have to give anyone a play by play after. But this time is a little different. I feel as if I leave one single thing out that I am keeping my Husband from knowing everything. I want him to feel as if he were here even though he's 3000 miles away. So here are some updates for this week.
1. I am DILATED!! I am at 2cm (37W 6D)
2. I've been having pretty strong contractions.
3. We are 'moving' in with my Mom and Step Dad tonight until I have the baby so that I dont go into Labor and be all alone with a 28M old.
4. I am SO over being pregnant
Thats about it for right now. The highlight of this week really was being dilated. I had been having some contractions and could feel her head when I moved certain ways and let me tell you the pain that would cause. So I was hoping all my pain would have somewhat paid off and it had. I get to go back to the Docs on the 6th which is 6 days before my due date. So Im really hoping Ive had her or that I have made some major progress.
But this weekend here are our plans to get her out.
1. EAT Pineapple!! And lots of it
2. WALK!!!
3. Eat SPICY Food
4. Bounce on yoga ball maybe go sit on the trampoline.
5. Press on Pressure Points in back of heel
6. Drink Raspberry Tea
All natural remedies that can trigger Labor and I really hope something works. =)

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