So Im slightly frustrated with people and things people do. I know the stereotypical overdue pregnant person is miserable and hates life and blah blah blah. Well Im here to inform you that thats NOT always the case. I sit here an overdue pregnant woman and I have to say its not that bad. Yes my back hurts, yes my legs are swollen, yes I'm having trouble sleeping, yes I want to meet my sweet little girl but I'M HAPPY!! I have my moments where I dont want to be pregnant anymore but that dosent give people the right to say things and assume things they dont know. It especially dosent give people the right to walk up to me and say "You poor poor thing. Your so huge how are you walking right now?" or "Oh my gosh that thing is huge! Shouldnt you be sitting down?" or "Oh my goodness do you have twins in there? Why are you still pregnant?" or "You must be having a boy cause your so big." Like seriously people? What is wrong with you? Where is your filter? I am happy and I feel like my belly is the perfect size. Its just right for my baby girl. Ive gained a normal amout of weight and everything is fine. I just have a what looks like a beach ball under my shirt. But you know what. My baby girl is perfectly happy and healthy. Im also so sick of people going when are you having that baby? Like I control when she comes? Come on people babies have minds of their own. They come when they are ready. I dont need people making me feel bad because I havnt had her and I especially dont need people making me feel like Im doing something wrong because shes not here yet. Im just so over rude strangers and ignorant people. If you dont have anything nice to say DONT SAY IT!
If I want to be an overdue happy pregnant person then let me. Maybe all the pregnant people are so miserable because they have to listen to rude people all day long.
So there is my ranting of the day. Obviously I ran into way too many rude people while I was at the Docs, Target and Walmart.
But here's what you all wanted... A miss Tenley update.
I went to the Doc this afternoon and nothing much happened. My blood pressure was a little high and they are a little concerned and had me do some blood work and a 24 hour urine to see if I have pre eclampsia. If I do they will induce me tomorrow. Once they get my 24 hour urine back they will take more blood and if any of those are elevated I will get induced on monday. Then on tuesday if I dont have pre eclampsia I go in and they will check my anomitic fluid levels and if its below a 5 they will induce me that day. Then if my levels are above a 5 I will be induced for sure on thursday the 21st of July.
So there are alot of if this happens or if this happens going on. Its just going to be a waiting game for the next 6 days trying to figure out what is going to happen first. I really honestly believe she wont be coming till the 21st and thats perfectly fine with me. I would really love for her to come on her own. I really wanted to have my water break randomly or have contractions start and feel them get closer and closer and then have to be rushed to the hospital. I know it sounds silly but I think it would be nice to have it be spontaneous and have her come naturally when she wants to and when she is ready.
So thats the Miss T update. So if you want to say a little pray that she will come naturally on her own between now and the 21st that would be great. =)
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