Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happy Wednesday

So yesterday's run was kind of an EPIC failure! Not because I was in pain, not because my toes were rubbing together and causing more blisters, not because my knee was hurting me but because my pants ripped in the middle of my run!!!
I was just passing 1.5 miles as my pants ripped right down the middle. I stopped and had to think about what was happening and what I was going to do.
So in true Ashley fashion I ran as fast as I could outta the gym. HAHA.
I guess it really was time for new pants.
I ran to target (after changing) and bought new pants. Not the best running pants but at least they wont rip on me anytime soon. HA
Today I went back and ran 4 miles. It hurt. Not gonna lie. I wish I could get passed the 5 mile mark. But I get hit with a seriously mental block every single time. Im hoping Saturday when I do my first ever long run outside and not on a treadmill that I will be able to push farther cause I wont be bored outta my mind. So we shall see.
But I have gone back to tracking my calories. I realized that if you don't think about the calories your putting in you eat WAY more then you should. I started off with my smaller portions but since I wasn't counting I would eat an extra cookie or whatever and those things add up. I haven't gained or lost a pound since late Oct/early Nov and it SUCKS!
I know right now Im more focused on running then I am losing weight but I saw something on pinterest the other day and its sticking with me and that's "you cant out run a bad diet" and its totally true. I'm working my butt off running everyday and eating like crap. That just doesn't make any sense.
So Im back on the calorie counting band wagon. =) Day 2 is going well. Day 1 was going well until my mom brought me mellow mushroom cheese pizza for dinner and then my sister in law brought over yummy brownies those 2 things alone doubled my total calorie count for the whole day!! lol.
Im hoping to keep this up through the new year but Christmas is a very tempting time of year. Especially since Chris has 3 weeks of leave, my sister comes for 2 weeks, this weekend we are going away to Charlotte for a marriage retreat, and we might be going to Disney. Its going to be so crazy busy and so full of Christmas activities it's going to be hard to workout and eat right, but I don't want to gain any weight over the holidays so I have to do this. There is no other option =)

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