Marcus starts preschool today! He is so excited about going back to school. He was in preschool from feb to may going tues and thur and he loved it. But we didn't love that by then the teachers had their favorites and they seemed to have no more room in their heart for my little man =( It made me very sad and broke my heart every day when they would say Bye Marcus and that was it, but to other kids they would hug them and tell them they would miss them over the weekend. They always would tell me when Marcus did bad things, but never when he was good or did good jobs. I was not a fan of that preschool, so over the summer he kept asking to go to school (since he loved it and he didn't seem to mind the favoritism). So we found out that the Ymca had a summer camp for 2.5 year old and up as long as they were potty trained. We were working on Marcus being potty trained for weeks, but as soon as I told him he could go if he could potty in the big boy potty he became potty trained in one day!! He went to the Y all summer and fell in LOVE. We love the teachers and they LOVED him!! They praise him and talk about how fun he is and how they look forward to seeing his face every day. I feel like that's how it should be. There should be no favoritism, teachers should care for all their students, and they should never make a parent feel badly for placing their kid in their class room. So we signed him up for the Y and that's where he is going. I had originally signed him up to go to the other school, thinking that the 3 year old teachers would be different, but after seeing these teachers with Marcus and seeing how much they care for him I knew that that was the place for him.
Here's a few pictures of him before school this morning =)
And of course Ten had to get involved with the picture taking =)
And a little update on his day at school. He had such a good time and told me he ate stickers, danced, sang songs, and colored. And yes he really did say he ate stickers. I also asked him if he learned anything and he looks at me and says "Ummm no mommy, I learn nothing!" Ha Ha! So glad to know, Marcus.
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