Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tenley is 1 Month Old!!

I can not believe my baby girl is 1 month old! Time has gone by so fast. I can not believe that a whole month has passed. I feel like just yesterday I had her in the front seat of the car. bahaha. I am falling more and more in love with her everyday and so is Marcus. Marcus loves to hold her and he tries to play with her and he loves to walk up and wake her up when shes sleeping. Mommy dosent care for that one too much. Heres just a few fun facts. She loves tummy time, she HATES her car seat, and she loves to watch reality tv with mommy. (Ha I made that last one up. But seriously she sits in my lap everynight and watches my bad reality tv with me and she never makes a peep) But happy 1 month birthday baby girl. Our life is feeling more complete with you here. I just wish your daddy was here because then we would be 110% complete. =)                    
                                                                          BABY STATS:
SLEEP: You are still my amazing sleeper. You LOVE to sleep. You will sleep any and everywhere. Your day/night is this. You wake up for the day at 830. You are awake till 11 and then take a 4 hour nap. You wake up and are up till 5 and then you doze off and on till 930 and we go to bed and you sleep till 4 and then the day starts all over again.
FEED: You are still breastfeed. I am so proud of you. You are a breast feeding champ. You eat every 3 hours except for your 4 hour nap and during the night. But you eat for about 6-8 mins each side.

Weight:  Last time you were weighed you weighed 8lbs 11oz

Length: 21.5 in 

Milestone: You love tummy time and you are getting so good at lifting your head. Most the time you are trying to find "the sucky thing" but you lift your head up and will keep it up for a good while.

Your favorite toy: Your bouncer.  
Favorite Memory: I have 2 this month. The first one is sitting on the couch with you and Marcus. Marcus was holding my hand and you were sleeping in my arms. Its moments like that that just break my heart. I love you both so much. My 2nd favorite memory is we went to Barnes and Nobles for story time and we used the double stroller for the first time. Well we were waiting for mommys coffee and some little boy comes up and looks at you and reaches his hand out to probably touch your feet or something and Marcus goes "No! My baby!!" and leans foward and puts his hands in front of you as if to protect you. It was the cutest thing in the whole world and you were looking at your big brother the whole time.  
Here's a few pics of our little Love Bug at 1 month old

Mommy Stats:

Pre-Pregnancy weight: n/a
Day of delivery weight: n/a
Current weight: haha. still not posting
Weight Gained: 33lbs
Weight Lost So Far: 26lbs
Weight to go: 7lbs till pre baby but still hoping to lose another 40. I really want to be at the weight I was at was before I got pregnant with Marcus. So 47lbs weight loss here we come. My goal is 27lbs by Dec. Which is 7lbs a month for 4 months. I can do it!!  
Pre-Pregnancy cup size: 34B
Current cup size: Its finally gone down to about a 38 C
Pre-pregnancy size: 9
Current size: Yea I live in my yoga pants. Haha. Im not even gonna try jeans until I at least lose those other 7lbs.

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