Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I am not a camper. Im not a person that particularly cares for the outdoors unless im at the beach or the pool. I am not a fan of bugs or mud. But I agreed to go camping with my husband and his family. I have been camping twice in my life and both times turned into a huge disaster. So my husband did everything possible to make sure this was the best camping experience of my life..

Little did he know it was going to pour all weekend long. lol. But other than the rain it really was the best camping experience I have had and it was a ton of fun. I only got bit twice by bugs, I stayed pretty dry considering when it rained it rained bad. We had lots of fun and good food and I learned how to fish and we even got to go out on a kayak.

The kids had a blast and I might be up to camping again in the near future. Here are some pictures of our camping trip. I wish we had more but with all the rain my phone stayed in our tent most the time and there was no way I was taking out my good camera.

Rain Rain go away
 She didn't like the first night of rain
 What my husband will do for me. Get my wet chair dry =)

 This is what happened over nap time....

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