Friday, March 1, 2013

A little lost

So after losing so a big number over a few days I thought I was doing well. I thought I was getting the hang of losing weight again... but then I went to see my trainer and she read my food journal and she highlighted like the whole book!! Highlighting is bad :( so to me it was like what did I do wrong. I lost weight that's what matters, right? Apparently what you eat matters more. So its back to the drawing board for me. I need to learn how to eat more natural and more vegetables, apparently less fruits cause I eat too much sugar, and more protein, oh and less diary. Its so hard not to eat dairy!! But I want to lose weight the right way. I don't want to put it right back on when I'm not being as diligent as I am now. I need to make it a lifestyle change not a "lose weigh fast thing" . So that's the plan. Let's see how it goes. I'm so excited for Monday to get here so I can post my weight loss for this week. Its so amazing!! And today is only Friday. Which means I could lose more between now and Monday. This weight is falling off right now and I can't wait to see if I can hit my next goal by Mon.

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